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Address: The Tennis Court, Burrell's Walk, Cambridge, CB3 9DJ

01223 357106



Enter a placename or your postcode to get directions using Googlemaps:


The interactive map below shows real tennis courts across the world
Choose a court to zoom to it. Click a marker for details on the court

The interactive map above is available with the dozens of French courts that we know were converted to theatres after the revolution, and also without them - the default is without them as drawing the extra courts can slow down the loading of the page.

Maps to the court can be found by clicking the thumbnail images on the right or by zooming in on the Google map above. Directions to the court for drivers are available using the Directions section on the right.

You can also try the following sites which provide maps and information. - generally a good site for directions - simple and easy to use. Easily the best system for directions. - does maps and directions. You could just type in Tennis Court, Burrells Walk and Cambridge into the search box, but the postcode is quicker: CB3 9DJ. - pretty comprehensive directions system which uses the services of Whether you go via Greenflag or direct to Mapblast you will still need to sign in to use the service. The Greenflag login is - Username:GreenflagMA Password: greenflag







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© Cambridge University Real Tennis Club 2001