Green Still Green TAGS: Green Court | Kees | Simon The CURTC interior design team turned its attention to the Green Court over the Bank holiday and I’m sure that everyone will be pleased to know that the Green Court …Continue reading →
February 10, 2025
Green Still Green TAGS: Green Court | Kees | Simon The CURTC interior design team turned its attention to the Green Court over the Bank holiday and I’m sure that everyone will be pleased to know that the Green Court …Continue reading →
The Wanderers… TAGS: Green Court | Wanderers …are a touring team from Down-Under and based in Ballarat (marker Kees’ alma-mater) but with representation from all-over Oz. They have returned to the UK this year to take in …Continue reading →
Red, Green & Blue TAGS: Blue Court | Kees | Simon | Vix When you next go to the club be prepared for a bit of surprise. (Assuming that Grange Road has reopened following the visit of a monstrous crane today.) The Car Park has lost its Green and the Blue Court is no longer as Red.
Monster Alert TAGS: Blue Court This monster has been spotted prowling up and down the Blue Court. The Gallery wall is being cleaned up and the remaining hessian removed by our valiant (and brave) tower …Continue reading →
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