Champions of Champions! Wednesday night saw the official presentation of the Champions of Champions trophy shield to Taybali and White captain, Simon White. Having won Division Three in the Cambridge Leagues, the Taybali …Continue reading →
February 16, 2025
Champions of Champions! Wednesday night saw the official presentation of the Champions of Champions trophy shield to Taybali and White captain, Simon White. Having won Division Three in the Cambridge Leagues, the Taybali …Continue reading →
Prested Hall cat ‘F’ Open Championships 25/26 March Prested Hall Real Tennis Club are holding an Open Championship for Category F handicap players, that is players with a handicap from 50 to 59, on the weekend of the …Continue reading →
Tayabali & White singles – Th’underdogs v T&W2 In the opening match of the Tayabali & White 2017 Cambridge Singles League for Division 3, Th’underdogs took on Tayabali & White 2 (there’s a Tayabali & White 1 with …Continue reading →
Doubles League – Earthworks v L Plates Three ladies from the L-Plates, Emma, Annabel and Ladies Blues captain Amanda took on three men from the Earthworks team, Tom, Simon and Howard on Wednesday night as part of …Continue reading →
BBC1 Documentary featuring CURTC Mon 10:45pm TAGS: Martina | Sophie The club will feature on BBC One next Monday! Martina Navratilova’s recent trip to CURTC will appear towards the end of the new BBC documentary ‘Just call me Martina’ on …Continue reading →
And … we’re back As was probably obvious, our website was hacked. We have managed to remove the offending parts and have rebuilt it. Christie Marrian put in a lot of effort (with some …Continue reading →
How to make a Real Tennis ball TAGS: Hope | Scott David Hope has put together a video of Scott as he makes a Real Tennis ball from scratch Real Tennis Cambridge – Making a Real Tennis Ball
CURTC vs The Dutch TAGS: The Dutch Andreas van Braam had clawed his way back from 5-3 down in the 3rd set against Julian Stafford. It was 5 all in the final rubber of the match between …Continue reading →
The Rob Fahey Exhibition match TAGS: Rob Fahey Thursday 12th February 2015 Kindly sponsored by NW Brown Group and Savills Rob Fahey (the World Champion) will be returning to Grange Road to play our top Blue, Edmund Kay. …Continue reading →
Exhibition Match on Thursday 6th November WITH THE OPPORTUNITY TO INTRODUCE FRIENDS TO CURTC Further to our “save the date” email last month, are the details below of this VERY SPECIAL event taking place next week …Continue reading →
Junior Lessons TAGS: Juniors Head Professional Kees Ludekens runs sessions on Sunday mornings for junior players to learn the game or to improve their skill levels
Rob Fahey exhibition matches TAGS: Rob Fahey On Thursday 22nd May, a packed CURTC was treated to an exhibition of tennis featuring world champion Rob Fahey.
Champagne Leagues, 2014 The success of the Champagne Leagues in their first four seasons means that Pol Roger, our favourite Champagne House, has agreed to extend its sponsorship of this most popular event …Continue reading →
Old Rugbeians TAGS: Rugbeians The Ol’ Rugbeians came to town on April 12th, led by birthday boy Oliver Buckley. In fact CURTC (Nick Heath and Gary Weller) showed estimable generosity to Oliver and Richard …Continue reading →
Cambridge Men take Varsity Real Tennis, Cambridge Ladies lose – but a star is born TAGS: cambridge blue | Ed | Freddie | Jamie | Jules | Sophie | varsity | Venetia Cambridge Men emerged victorious at this year’s Varsity real tennis match, which was fought out at Lord’s over two days last weekend. The Ladies team could not repeat the Men’s …Continue reading →
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