February 11, 2025
In anticipation of good news, we have opened the booking system for members to play singles and doubles play from 17 May. If we don’t get the go ahead, we will cancel bookings and you will not be charged.
All other covid-secure measures remain in place:
I am hopeful that some of these rules may change soon but would very much appreciate your compliance for the time being.
Thank you all again for your support and patience during this challenging year. Christie, Ben and the Pros are working hard to set up as many of our usual tournaments as possible, so there will be plenty of opportunities to play. The longest ever running Tayabali and White singles league may well reach its climax in the next few weeks and we might need to start another (!); we are hoping for an epic Finals Day, sponsored by our dear friend Duncan Hannay Robertson, so I am anticipating an excellent turnout for the category tournaments; and fingers crossed that Varsity and the seconds match will take place for the students in early July.
There is a glimmer of light at the end of the tunnel – see you on court!
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