February 11, 2025
The Seventh Cambridge Weekend will take place on the 12th and 13th May 2012. It will again be an ideal occasion for members to enjoy some very competitive tennis, and for supporters of Cambridge University Tennis and University Alumni to renew and strengthen their connection with the Club. There will be a handicap doubles tournament played on the Saturday, and on the Sunday morning there will be some friendly doubles with impromptu pairings. For those who have already expressed interest please can you fill out the entry form and send it back with cheques made payable to CURTC.
After the very successful dinner last year held in Queens, this year’s event will be in The Old Kitchens in Trinity and promises to be another thoroughly enjoyable evening. The Dinner will be held on Saturday 12th May and be part of the very popular Cambridge Weekend. We hope to hold the price for the dinner (including wine) to around £40 – more details to follow soon. Maximum capacity is just 75 so early booking with the pros is advised.
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