Jin is on the Road!!
TAGS: Jin | Kees | MS This past Wednesday was an absolute blast, with an incredible mix of real tennis action, delicious food, and fantastic company! Our star attendees—Christie Marrian, Rupert Kirby, James Squire, Ulla Petti …Continue reading →
Recent Intro Sessions
TAGS: Intro Session | Kees | Taster CURTC’s free taster sessions are a great way to get an introduction to our great game. Here’s some recent introductees!
Junior/Senior 80+ Tournament
TAGS: Juniors | Kees | Peter Luck-Hille Cup In preparation for the next round of the Peter Luck-Hille Cup, some noble Seniors took to the court to give CURTC’s team some match practice. Leandros Georgoulis won the tournament …Continue reading →
149th Varsity Match Highlights
TAGS: Ivo | Kees | Lord's | Peter | Pol Roger | varsity Another must watch video edited by Jacqueline Siu
Inter-Universities Cup & Tournament
TAGS: Ben | India | inter-universities | Ivo | Kees | Marc | Peter Thanks to everyone who took part in the Inter-Universities Cup and Tournament at @cam_tennis this past weekend!
Green Still Green
TAGS: Green Court | Kees | Simon The CURTC interior design team turned its attention to the Green Court over the Bank holiday and I’m sure that everyone will be pleased to know that the Green Court …Continue reading →
Red, Green & Blue
TAGS: Blue Court | Kees | Simon | Vix When you next go to the club be prepared for a bit of surprise. (Assuming that Grange Road has reopened following the visit of a monstrous crane today.) The Car Park has lost its Green and the Blue Court is no longer as Red.
Blue Court
TAGS: Blue Court | Kees | Peter Remember the Hessian?
In case you missed the e-mails…
TAGS: Kees | NW Brown | Peter | SST NW Brown Wealth Management Singles and Doubles League and Summer Season Ticket (SST) 2019
Behind the Scenes, part 3
TAGS: DofE | Juniors | Kees By any account, the Juniors session at the DofE Tennis Challenge at CURTC was pretty special. There are loads of photos of these sessions already out there and there are …Continue reading →
Behind the Scenes, part 2
TAGS: DofE | Ed | Jimmy | Kees | Matt | Olivia | Peter Of course, the DofE tennis challenge at Cambridge couldn’t have taken place without a large crew of volunteers. With apologies to those I missed, here are a few pictures in …Continue reading →
150 Years of Play Celebration: Doubles Highlights
TAGS: 150 | Ed | Green Court | Hope | Kees Just in time for the 151st Anniversary, CURTC’s Stream & Video Team bring you some carefully (you have no idea how carefully) selected highlights of the Doubles Exhibition between Chris …Continue reading →
2015 CURTC Christmas Tournament
TAGS: Kees | Peter | Scott | Xmas Tournament The 6 Group Winners in this year’s draw of 18 players were required to play a total of six hours of tennis to determine who would be crowned 2015 Champion. …Continue reading →
Inter-Universities Tournament, 27-29th November
TAGS: Alex | Ed | Freddie | Jamie | Kees | Sophie Kees has given me the low-down on this weekend’s tournament. Most (if not all) of the Varsity squads will be playing including Ed, Jamie, Alex and Freddie and not forgetting …Continue reading →
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