CURTC Student Cup TAGS: Giraffe | Student Cup On this particularly cold, wet and windy late November day, spirits were high as eight of us participated in the 2021 Real Tennis Student Cup at Cambridge. The tournament began …Continue reading →
February 10, 2025
CURTC Student Cup TAGS: Giraffe | Student Cup On this particularly cold, wet and windy late November day, spirits were high as eight of us participated in the 2021 Real Tennis Student Cup at Cambridge. The tournament began …Continue reading →
CURTC at British Ladies Singles and Doubles Handicaps TAGS: Linda | LRTA | Prested | Vix The Cambridge ladies at the British Ladies Handicaps didn’t quite sweep the board, but had a good go at it. Mind you, we covered all bases – age range from …Continue reading →
The Inaugural CURTC Doubles Championship… TAGS: Doubles Championship | Nigel | Smuts .. has a winner*! Congratulations to Smuts Beyers and Nigel Belbin who will be representing CURTC at the Callender Cup at Wellington. Commiserations to the other finalists Tony Kennedy and …Continue reading →
The 2022 CURTC Tayabali & White Singles Leagues TAGS: T&W | Tayabali and White To play in the 2022 Tayabali & White Singles Leagues, starting mid-January and finishing in June, if you are a CURTC member, please sign up by completing this very short …Continue reading →
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