February 16, 2025
They came from all parts, Nottingham, Hitchin, Hills Road and, yes, Newcastle by car, by bike, by rail although I don’t think anyone walked. But come they did for an entertaining day of Tennis and, dare I say it, Lunch. Of course, it would be churlish to travel all these different ways and win so our visitors were polite enough to leave the match tied at 3 apiece at the end of the regulation 50 overs. There was talk of a super-over or penalties or some other arbitrary count-back as they do elsewhere but we decided on lunch instead.
The MoD featured the CoD and only three setter (although in the spirit of transparency it was the only match scheduled for more than one set) in which Jacqui clinched the third 6-5 having lost the second 1-6. The DoD (dish of the…) was an apple strudel, courtesy of Ben’s mum, which given its Australian provenance should surely have been called an apple turnover… Talking of Ben’s mum, I asked where she was during our match. ‘Waching Jacqui’ was the reply ‘It’ll be far more exciting’. Oh well.
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