(not) Up for Cup
Posted on June 26, 2016 | in Match Report, NewsTicker | by Christie Fixtures
This year’s East Anglia Cup was held at Prested last Saturday. Still buzzing from Cambridge’s epic victory in the National League, Division 1 final the day before (tinnitus following a headphone malfunction while streaming on Friday), your intrepid reporter set out for a return to Prested on Saturday. The Cup is a four way end of season competition between Cambridge and our three nearest Tennis neighbours. However, sadly, Newmarket could not make it this year but reigning cup holders, Hatfield were prescient enough to bring the cup with them.

not coming to Cambridge
Cambridge were first up against the home team and much to my delight, Prested has installed new LED lighting (hint, hint). The difference is not subtle (see the Brodie report for a before assessment) and has turned a rather gloomy court lit from one side into a real, Real Tennis court.
Aided by being able to see court, ball, opposition and marker, even if the striped floor is still somewhat confusing, Cambridge took their opening rubber against the home team 4 points to 2 (two Singles and a Doubles). Next up was Hatfield and a return to earth as we lost 5-1. Those of you still reading this piece of post Brexit nonsense may wonder how three matches can result in such a score but i’ll leave that as an exercise for the remaining reader(s). This left Prested 3 points behind going into the final match against Hatfield. This became one after Vince Lucey came from behind to beat Robin Mace. Clive Turner and Hatfield’s Don managed a draw to leave the final Doubles as a Cup decider. It went Prested’s way as Prested beat Hatfield 5-1.
Congratulations to Prested and many thanks for improving the lights and hosting. We look forward to welcoming everyone to Cambridge for next year’s edition chez nous (that’s a french expression for you Brexiters).

New (Bright) Lights
ps Thanks Keith (Beechener) for the photos and playing along with John Trapp, Peter Morrison and myself
pps Final score Prested 7, Hatfield 6, Cambridge 5, Newmarket n/a
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