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Queen’s visit in the Brodie Cup

Posted on November 19, 2017 | in Match Report | by

Peter enjoys a cup of (well earned) coffee

The Captain made it back in time and more importantly brought a magnificent lunch with him. He was not needed on court as the 45 Doubles pairing of yours truly and Will Boys-Stones, Andy Smith (40 Singles, complete with comeback) and Michael Firth (50 Singles, an even more impressive comeback) provided the necessary 3 victories. Julian Stafford and Rupert Grose & Mark Perriton left it all out there to complete a highly entertaining afternoon of tennis. Thanks to our visitors and Kees and Peter for marking.
Prested are visiting on December 10th. Should be a close one, especially for those of us who remember visiting PHTC in the Brodie two years ago….

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