September 9, 2024
CURTC hosted the Real Champions Club** annual(ish) tennis tournament which this time featured the rather splendid Rob & Claire Fahey Cup (or Trophy, depending on who you believe). A very, very hot and steamy weekend of on court action tested the stamina and (in my case) the number of vaguely respectable tennis shirts of 32 players from across the UK. Saturday saw the Box Matches (round robin of similarly handicapped pairs) followed by the KO rounds on Sunday. In between was a visit to an equally hot Cambridge University Rugby Club for some of Sebastian’s splendid catering and a complete absence of draught or cold beer.
CURTC was represented by some familiar names including the Reviers who romped, bobbed and weaved through the 60(ish) Box matches. Jon Speirs and Jin Lee survived a very tough group of high velocity tennis and my pair survived by the narrowest of margins to play another day. The Reviers came a bit unstuck by the ‘early night’ tactic of their Sunday opponents but Jon & Jin seemed to suffer somewhat from Jon’s different interpretation of ‘early’. So the final was CURTC member free but congratulations to Dan Worboys and Amy Pye (6th and 7th from left above) who took away the aforementioned cup/trophy presented by the great man himself. Dan & Amy only lost one match the entire weekend but modesty forbids me from mentioning their opponents.
Scores can be found here but please note they only reflect the games score, the winner being the pair ahead on points when the buzzer sounded.
Many thanks to Candida Nicholls, Martin Village and Carl Snitcher from the RCC and our Pros who manfully marked two days of intense tennis. Louise provided a memorable lunch on Saturday as did Vix on Sunday. We look forward to welcoming back the RCC sometime in the future, preferably when it isn’t quite as hot!
**The RCC was set up to help fund the ‘Investing In Professionals’ program which provides a structured program to deliver Real Tennis Apprenticeships and enhance the skills of Real Tennis Professionals. They provided support for our very own Jim Ludekens during his apprenticeship.
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