February 10, 2025
However, the tide had turned and the match score was evened up in convincing fashion by Ben Geytenbeek & Dave Isherwood who got us well ahead of schedule with a 8-0 victory while, I’m sure they would be the first to admit, being the beneficiaries of a correct but generous handicap.
At this point we returned to the court but in different pairings for the second half and CURTC was frankly unrecognisable from the first two matches. The only loss was a close 8-7 (after holding a 7-6 lead) but the rest of the matches went convincingly our way. Lunch was a splendid affair, with a blazing fire and tennis to add to the ambience. The final scores are below followed by a summary collage of action on the Court.
Many thanks to our generous hosts and we look forward to welcoming them back to the Home of Real Tennis next year. And finally a google photos gallery with the above photos and more.
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