East Anglia Pennant at Half Way TAGS: East Anglia Pennant Played Doubles Singles Total Points PRESTED 3 6 8 14 CURTC 3 3 8 11 NRTC 3 1 5 6 HHTC 3 2 3 5
February 16, 2025
East Anglia Pennant at Half Way TAGS: East Anglia Pennant Played Doubles Singles Total Points PRESTED 3 6 8 14 CURTC 3 3 8 11 NRTC 3 1 5 6 HHTC 3 2 3 5
2018 Christmas Tournament TAGS: Xmas Tournament This year’s Christmas tournament was as successful as ever, with a full draw of 24 Christmas hangovers on court fighting for the coveted box of chocs. The creative format of …Continue reading →
East Anglia Pennant Update TAGS: East Anglia Pennant CURTC’s winning streak came to an end on December 13th away at Newmarket. The team lost 4-2 (but there is a…
Getting the Royal Treatment TAGS: G-Men | RTC CURTC braved the latest named storm (Deirdre?) last Saturday to visit the latest of the Real Tennis Courts at Hampton Court. Sadly the 16th century court is no more so …Continue reading →
Pol Roger Cup TAGS: Alex | Ed | Jules | Pol Roger Cambridge move on to the semi-finals following a 3-2 win at Moreton Morrell. Thanks to Keith Beechener for the pix!
70+ Category Tournament TAGS: 70+ | Category Last weekend saw the first of this season’s Category tournaments for those with handicaps of, you guessed it, greater than 70. On Friday evening the 80+ handicappers had their own mini tourney with two qualifying for the Saturday groups. So congratulations to…
Inter-University Tournament, 2018 TAGS: Ed Hyde | inter-universities | IU2018 | Jimmy | Middlesex University For four days in late November, Cambridge and Newmarket Real Tennis clubs hosted over 60 fresh-faced students from nine universities across the UK for the annual Inter-University tournament. In addition to tournament debuts from….
East Anglia Pennant: CURTC vs Hatfield House @CURTC TAGS: East Anglia Pennant CURTC Team…. HH Team…
Fahey chalks up another Open title – 50 and counting…Doubles tonight Congratulations to Rob Fahey, who claimed his 50th Open title at Queen’s last night. If you missed it, the stream of the match is here: Will he make it 51 …Continue reading →
Dark Blue Wash* TAGS: Oxford It’s always a pleasure to welcome the other place to the Home of Real Tennis and this Saturday was no exception. Indeed, very welcoming hosts we were…
New East Anglian Pennant – 1st round WIN! TAGS: East Anglia Pennant The new East Anglian league got off to a great start last Thursday at Hatfield House, where we won 4-2. Richard Jones and Ben Geytenbeek both claimed victory over husband …Continue reading →
Battle of the Amateur Champions TAGS: Ed | Giraffe | Jamie D Giraffe Club Cup & Blues Reunion, 1 – 3 February 2019 is an exciting new annual CURTC tournament. The idea is to invite previous Blues, Cambridge alumni and other Giraffe Club members to compete in a doubles tournament as part of the build up to the Varsity match (1-2 March 2019 at Lords).
Victory in the North Our esteemed Fixtures Secretary is keeping quiet about this – but CONGRATULATIONS, Christie, that trip to the Jesmond Dene invitational doubles seems to have paid off!
IRTA visit the Home of Real Tennis TAGS: IRTA Our first Club match of the season proved enjoyable but the Irish, especially the visiting Irish, proved more than a match for the Home team. Led by Roland Budd, the …Continue reading →
East Anglia Cup, 2018… TAGS: East Anglia Cup | Hatfield …was held at Hatfield this year. The result came down to the last match between the Richards of Hatfield* and Newmarket** (effectively playing as a proxy of Prested). The Richard …Continue reading →
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