Xmas Tournament 2023 TAGS: Pol Roger | Xmas Tournament Full Results
February 16, 2025
Xmas Tournament 2023 TAGS: Pol Roger | Xmas Tournament Full Results
Giraffe Club Cup Gallery TAGS: Giraffe | Giraffe Club Cup Full Results and last…
The Brooke Report: CURTC visit Lords TAGS: Brooke | Lord's | MCC Hello again, it’s me, Brooke The Dog, with a report back from your club’s visit to Lord’s on 9th December. A Kennel Club Christmas lunch had me elsewhere but I …Continue reading →
LRTA British Ladies Handicap Tournament 2023* TAGS: LRTA | Prested Outside, the grey rain.. Luckily, the inside of Prested Real Tennis Club is not glumly decorous like most RT Clubs, but glories in a vibrant clash of colours: pink floors, green …Continue reading →
The Brooke Report – The Callender Cup At Wellington – 4th & 5th, November TAGS: Brooke | Callender | Wellington Hello again. I told you I’d update you on the Revier’s progress in The Callender Cup. It won’t take long. With the winners of our own handicap doubles, Messrs Christie …Continue reading →
CURTC Handicap Doubles Final TAGS: Doubles Championship A relatively recent addition to the pantheon of CURTC championships, cups, trophies and competitions is the the CURTC Handicap Doubles. This was stimulated by the Initiation of the Callender Cup, …Continue reading →
CURTC Ladies at Hatfield House, Sunday, 29th October TAGS: CURTC Ladies | Hatfield Hello again. It’s me Brooke The Dog back from another real tennis awayday. On a soggy Sunday I had the Reviers drive me to the elegant and dog-friendly Hatfield House. …Continue reading →
CURTC Annual Subscriptions TAGS: Direct Debit | GoCardless …to be collected via Direct Debit CURTC is changing how it collects annual subscriptions. To make this easier and more convenient for members the Club will now collect all annual subscriptions by direct debit on October 1st.
Battle of the *URTC’s TAGS: Middlesex University | MURTC An intrepid band of CURTC members battled the remnants of Storm Babet and Network Rail’s ‘brilliant’ strategy for dealing with aforesaid remnants to visit MURTC in Hendon last weekend. Nestled …Continue reading →
East Anglian Pennant 2023 TAGS: EAP | Hatfield CURTC opening with an impressive 4-2 away win at Hatfield Real tennis Club on Thursday12th October. This kicks off this year EAP tournament, matches involve 4 singles and 2 doubles …Continue reading →
Old Rugbeians take the spoils (and wine) TAGS: Ol' Rugbeians The Old Rugbeians visited earlier today and CURTC, gracious hosts that we are, allowed them to take the honours on court and then keep the wine at their end of …Continue reading →
Champagne Leagues Finals TAGS: Champagne League | Pol Roger Division 1 saw Charles Harcourt giving up three points to someone whose face looks familiar but the name escapes me. The familiar face needed a quick start and, in spite …Continue reading →
Champagne Leagues, sponsored by Pol Roger, Finals TAGS: Champagne League | Pol Roger See where these ended up!
Real Tennis World Championship starts tonight, Sunday, September 17th TAGS: Camden Riviere | John Lumley | World Championship From the planet’s newest Real/Court Tennis court at the Westwood Country Club just outside Washington DC in the US of A, John Lumley takes on the World Champion, Camden Riviere Day …Continue reading →
RCC inaugural Rob & Claire Fahey Cup TAGS: RCC | Rob Fahey CURTC hosted the Real Champions Club** annual(ish) tennis tournament which this time featured the rather splendid Rob & Claire Fahey Cup (or Trophy, depending on who you believe). A very, …Continue reading →
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